Sunday, November 9, 2008

So many mistakes I have been doing all this time…


I finally found the blog skin that I byk suka~ :P

*kind of*

Thanks to my 2nd sis teman me the whole night :D

*iloveyou ;)*

Blogskins? I will change it later xP

If still cannot view den IS YOUR PROBLEM! xPP

Parvin~ I got something’s to ask you laa~~ WHERE ARE YOU?!

Last night suddenly Winwin bark and is around 2am++ I wonder what happen?

Haha she’s hungry that’s why! LOL

Den 4am++ she bark again…seriously no idea why...And that time I still playing computer xP

Den me and my 2nd sis teman her awhile...

Den we come back in asking her not to bark again..

Suddenly she bark even worse…and we seriously no idea what happen??

In the end she stops barking and guess what?

She FORGETS where to drink her water!

LOL~ she byk sot punya laa :P

Alright I got to go now (:

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