Monday, May 5, 2008

Friend? my ass

Shouldn’t we appreciate what friends are for? Yea... we should. But it depends to whom. Friend that fakes in front of us is perfectly a bitch. So what if you did copy? Just admit it. No guts huh? Making up story just to cover it? haha try giving a better excuses ;)

Scolding me bitch will make you feel better? Go on. You’re just another bitch as well. Build a bridge and move on girl.

No use saying all this bullsh!t to your blog. Just come to me. Face to face and tell me. Now I was wondering… when you ask for forgiveness is that sincere from the bottom of your heart? Well, I guess is a thumbs down.

Besides, why don’t you stop telling lies which does not happen? Showing off? Haha yaya im such a dumbie that I believe you.

By the way, I don’t need you to see what will come to me. Everything now is coming back to you. (:

tEnG (:

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