Halo! :D
There’s a lot stuff I wanna to talk xD
But kinda feel lazy cuz too sleepy edi haha...
so..let’s me tell u how many cars I got haha *lame
The very first car – Toyota. Yea… it’s old enough already. Before I was born, daddy already bought this car.

Second car – Proton Saga. Later on daddy sell this car to my uncle but recently my cousins purchase new cars so they no longer use this and return it to daddy.

Third car – should be Proton Wira. Sell it to my mummy’s brother already haha.
** no pic. sorry**
Fourth car – Honda. Still looks good hahaha. Daddy so cute ahahaha!

Fifth car – Naza Ria. Only when we travel to long distance, we’ll use this.

Last but not least – MyVi. Bought this when my sister start her college life.

Things happen so weird today...There’s some happy? Sad? Either angry too...
Happy? Haha cause of Ailin laa~
She make me laugh until nonstop..
xD..Today I accompany her to find Pn.Vani cause of the stor key..
I went to Bilik hem to see Pn.Vani time table...And I kena caught by Pn.Ung =.=’’
Haha anyway the time table wrote Pn.Vani will be at 6H..
Me and Alin go find and we realize our school don’t even have 6H class =.=’’
*I think* hehe
We found Pn.Vani 6 something’s *4got edi haha
And Ailin took 10-15 min to go in that class..
She keep on asking me to go in and I say I don’t want...In the end she sendiri go in xD..
We got the stor key and go take the chair…
Mana tahu HY and J took our chair =.=
Babi-nya xD
Sad?..Is because just now daddy and mummy arguing..i feel so sad..
And cry too haha *lame*..
Seriously I don’t know why but 1st time makes me damn sad and cries out...
): until now...I didn’t even see they both talking at all..
Actually the story is like this
:: We all went to puchong makan..And suddenly mummy tell yinG somethings la..Den yinG get emo and quiet...Daddy come back and asks her why? She did not answer dad...Grace so pandai go say “there mummy la go do her 1”...Daddy asks why? What mummy do? No one answer daddy..Dad scolded mum by saying We so old edi should understand our daughter’s ma and mummy like get angry...Daddy ask what you want eat now? Mummy shout I don’t want eat..They both start arguing until now I did not heard a single words..
In the car 10-20min all so quiet only I singing *lame again hahaha* wont mummy feel hungry now? hmm..
I cry out for nothing damn bodo..
Angry? Haha nothing la don’t want to mention at all :P..
See I simply write 1 is kind of blur but never mind la hehehe
And I realize forgotten write Vanessa and her Ben lol I’m sorry hehe
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