Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tagged by xinGkuuu (:

What song is stuck in your head?
Lies – Big Bang

A person that you miss?
LM!! xDD *only some people know who (:*

Do you tell people if you find them attractive?

Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Goin condo? playing with winwin? Oh maybe SLEEPING!! :D

Can you whistle?
Yess! ;D

What makes you laugh?
38 with my babes! xDD

Biggest fear?
Nothing I guess ):

If you could die for someone who would it be?
HAHAHA…HAHAHAHA! need answer this xP

What are you looking forward to in the next month?
PMR Result. D:

Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?
hahahaha…maybe ;)

Do you smile a lot?
Nope….cause I laugh a lot! hahaha! =.=’’

What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning?
my sleepy face? :P

What bed did you sleep in last night?
BoyF!! HAHAHAHA! Jokin!...mine bed la duh!

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
Erm…Erm….TKK xP

If somebody likes you now would you like them to message you and tell you?
Hahahaha…I guess nop? Unless is LM! xDD

Who are all the people you have text messages from in your phone?
No one..cause I don’t save punya xP

Last time you laughed?
Just now xP

How many hours sleep did you get last night?
None! xDD

Would your parents be mad if you got pregnant today?
They probably hang me upside down xD

What are you doing on Saturday?
Typing this xDD Cause already after 12am haha mean Sat edi xDD

Who was the first person you heard this morning?
My dog! xD

What did your last text message say? Who sent it to you?
Naza! Some stupid msg xD

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Depends (:

If you could push one person off a mountain cliff, who would it be?
HAHAHAHA! VANESSA! Cause she’s byk annoying! xPPP

Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap?
Nope…Cause I’m always the one xDD

Has anyone disappointed you recently?
….guess so

What are you listening to?
Song? xDD

Are you a morning person or a night?
HAHAHA both I guess xD

Do you wish somebody would call you? And why?
Nope…I lazy wanna talk with them (:

Who do you tell most things?
X.kee,Vanessa,Ailin,JennLi,XinGKUU,SM,PArvin,Sisters,Mum,Dad! <333333

Who was the last person that made you cry, why?
No one (:

Have you ever stayed in a hotel?
Lameee question!

Have you ever dated someone who was not good to you?
Hahahaha…nope (:

What is in your pocket?
Empty xP

Where would you like to be right now?
beside him…haizz…

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